Dining Etiquette Around The World Infographic

Don’t stick your chopsticks into your rice in Japan and don’t eat with your left hand in India.

Confused about dining etiquette abroad? This colorful infographic with advice on everything from tips to table manners has you covered. Bon appétit!

Do you have any other tips to share?

13 thoughts on “Dining Etiquette Around The World Infographic

  1. SO HELPFUL! Love this! You got the Italians spot on…especially for the cheese on the seafood part. I have never heard saying “buon appetito” was impolite. Hmmm….I will have to ask hubby about that tonight. Anyway…great post!

  2. I loved this. Thank you. But I must add that for Italy, do not say “Buon appetito”. It is impolite. Also, If you’re a vegetarian (which I now am), you will be regarded as an alien from another planet.

    1. Saying Buon appetito is impolite? Interesting. Well, at least you are not vegan, cause then you would be from another galaxy. Plus in India, that is very, very normal 😉 They classify restaurants and menus as veg and non-veg.

  3. This is pretty cool – in India, it is also imperative that one sits on the floor with folded legs during meals in order to aid digestion. Plus, I always wondered how French dining ettiquette works, so thanks for sharing this!

  4. The only one I’d wrestle with a bit is leaving food on my plate in China. I feel…wrong/incomplete/wasteful if there’s food still on there. I’ll have to be mindful if/when I make it over there… Thanks for the heads up!

    1. When I was in China, if you cleared your plate more food would arrive! Same for your glass – careful with the whiskey! The key is when you are done, leave a little – it’s rude to say no if they start bringing you more!

  5. That’s really cool. The burping, I was taught, is a compliment in Japan. And don’t say you like something of someone else’s in Japan, because they’ll give it you, and it’s an insult if you don’t take it, even if you were just being polite pointing out something you admire.

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