The Deepest Eyes You’ll Ever See – Black & White Portraits of Indian People

bw women and kids

Many, many countries in Europe and around the world are stunning but if I had to pick, India takes the award for most photogenic in the world.

The depth of this country is beyond words. There is a story behind every person’s eyes.

I usually prefer showing India in color as there is such an array of color present everywhere from the intricate women’s saris, to colorful paint, powders and art but today I share all black and white India to emphasize the souls of the Indian people. There is something about their eyes that seems to go way deep from the very young to the very old.

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^ It is interesting to find that many Indian people will become serious as you take their photo even if they were laughing a second ago.

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^ But some can’t contain themselves!

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^ Even through the fabric you can see these motherly woman’s eyes.

Here are some India posts you may have missed with plenty of color:

Stainless Steel and Food Go So Well Together In India

Different Types of Indian Women Clothing

The Peaceful Side of India Through The Lens

Decorated Cows Receive Prasad

11 thoughts on “The Deepest Eyes You’ll Ever See – Black & White Portraits of Indian People

  1. Definitely one of my favorite posts from you! Yes, a great description, to see the souls of the Indian people. As a side note: what where the buttons that so many had pinned to their shirts?

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